Making Sense of Sentence Analysis
Making Sense of Sentence Analysis
Item # G12
The key you need to teach sentence analysis easily on the lower elementary level
If you've had difficulty teaching sentence analysis with the traditional charts and boxes, you're not alone. To help you enjoy this important part of the curriculum, we've eliminated the grammar discrepancies in the charts and modified the content of the boxes to match the revised charts. We've keyed in on the essentials and prepared the sentences--to make it easier for you. Everything is organized clearly and is in photocopy-ready format for your permanent use.
Included in this set:
Five large (8.5 x 14 ) chart masters
Five standard (8.5 x 11) masters for class worksheets
120 prepared sentences for all five charts
An answer key to all sentences
Three logical analysis master forms
50 prepared sentences for logical analysis
A complete description of the modified contents of the sentence analysis boxes (use the same boxes, with a few changes)
Instructions for all material